Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #14 - Technorati

Technorati certainly brings functional searching to blogs.

In searching for School Library Learning 2.0, one of the posts by tsheko @ mentioned "PageFlakes." Since I was not familiar with this, I looked at the wiki info on it as well as their home page.

Pageflakes seems like a great alternative homepage that you can customize to add many of the things that you might automatically look at as a tiled page. It was cool. I may investigate it more - later! I read tsheko's post about using PageFlakes to build a resource for students to investigate a topic. One educational idea was that teacher would select various pages for students as a guide to start from, but then student was ultimately responsible for continuing their research. I tried to find a way to leave a comment for tsheko, but it seems that you have to be a member from Victoria (Australia) to join their network. I may be missing something, though...

Searching in Technorati for "School Library Learning 2.0” did bring up different items for posts, blogs, videos, and photos. I thought some of the photos were off topic. I scanned the top posts in the Front Page and Technology sections and found newsy posts, but nothing that was overly surprising. I tried to sign up and list my blog, but am having difficulties. Will try this later!

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