Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #13 - Delicious

Wow! Delicious is cool. I found it to be fairly intuitive to use also. Right now I'm using my home computer, so at some point I will have to install Delicious on my school laptop! It is really cool. In exploring I have found some personal interest things to look at that were fun.

The TeacherTube video by Common Craft guys about social bookmarking is awesome. I can hardly wait to show this to my teachers! It was very easy to understand. I know they will have questions, but I know it will be useful!

As I look over the advantages of Furl, I am amazed that it will keep archived cache o a web page if you "save page". What a cool feature to use if you know that a website has a page you want to archive that is a non-permanent page. This feature could also be helpful for educators!! (and parents /students if they want to archive a page produced by a student that may or may not be published forever!)

I was unimpressed by Ma.gnolia.

As I was thinking about Delicious, my mind began buzzing with all of the possibilities when students are doing research and how helpful this would be. I think that I will share this with some of my friends at Cushing HS and encourage them to use this for that purpose, (and more.)

I really like Delicious and it makes sense! As educators we can use this so that we don't have to "reinvent the wheel" each time we are looking for materials. I can see that this will be really helpful!

(I also decided that I needed to figure out how to embed links in my blog, so I've figured that out! Copy the website address, highlight the text, press "Control - shift- A" Then, paste the website in the box. Too easy! I'll have to go back & edit posts (later!))

Happy Summer!


VWB said...

there is a hot link button on the post box toolbar as well...looks like a piece of chain?

S.Malget said...

I was "looking" for that, but I guess I couldn't see the forrest for the trees or something like that! Thanks for the tip!