Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing #11 - LibraryThing - more thoughts

As I was taking a break from 23 things, I was thinking more about LibraryThing. I wondered, "Can you only add books? Could you add your CD collection? Your video?" I'm still thinking that if there was a way to track your loans to your friends that this would be incredible!

I tried adding a recent CD I purchased and it wasn't listed as something that I could add easily. I also tried adding a DVD. It wasn't found on the Amazon or LC sites either linked to LibraryThing. And I know that it could be ordered from Amazon. So, I'm guessing that it is somewhat more dificult to add media to LibraryThing. Maybe this will be a future upgrade??!

Another thought that I had was that if this had a wish list feature that might be helpful also!

Just more things to ponder!


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