Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thing #4 Video Hosting (YouTube)

I am currently working on my laptop at a public library in a small town in Oklahoma and YouTube is blocked. So, on to #5 - if possible.

Latest update July 9, 2009:
I have signed up for YouTube and am attempting to upload a video of my daughter and her friends performing a VBS program at church.

OH DRATS! "This video has been removed because it is too long. Regular YouTube videos must be 10 minutes or less. " [Details, details, details.....]

So, since uploading to YouTube isn't working... I'll try to post it here!

Well... That didn't work either. So, I tried editing the length in Windows MovieMaker, and I can't seem to get that to work to split the video and create just a clip of the entire movie, so, I'm really bummed that it isn't working. I know that my husband works on videos sometimes, so, I may see if he has any great ideas...

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