Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Animotos By SOE students (Rice)

Earlier this spring many of our second, third, and fourth grade classes worked the new Mac books creating an Animoto. I conferenced with their teachers and we planned appropriate topics for them to work on. For various reasons, not everyone was able to complete the project, but here is one class that did....

Click on the student's name to view their Animoto.

I'm very proud of everyone's work!

Thurgood Marshall
by Kristin - Ms. Rice - Ms. Malget

Florence Nightingale
by Sarah - Ms. Rice - Ms. Malget

Martin Luther King, Jr.
by Eiyen - Ms. Rice - Ms. Malget

Sojourner Truth
by Mayah-Rice - Ms. Malget

Paul Revere
by Austin - Ms. Malget

Martin Luther King, Jr.
by Jaesung - Ms. Rice - Ms. Malget

Florence Nightingale
by Romeo - Ms. Rice - Ms. Malget

Amelia Earhart
by Joanna - Ms. Rice-Ms. Malget

Paul Revere video
by Le'Yanna, Ms. Rice

Robert Fulton
by Mawaddah-Ms.Rice-Ms. Malget

Thurgood Marshall
Alicia - Ms. Rice - Ms. Malget

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