Thursday, January 15, 2009

Creating a student folder assignment

This week I have been working with students to create folders on our network.
Here is the worksheet:

How to Login to a Student’s Folder

User Name: 999999 example
Password: soe (lower case)
Log on to: SBS

When your screen loads...
Double Click on MY COMPUTER.

Double Click on NORWAY-- (H:)

Using the chart below, find the YEAR
You Graduate from High School

Year you are in Year you
school now. graduate
12th grade 2009
11th grade 2010
10th grade 2011
9th grade 2012
8th grade 2013
7th grade 2014
6th grade 2015
5th grade 2016
4th grade 2017
3rd grade 2018
2nd grade 2019
1st grade 2020
Kinder 2021

Double Click on your graduation year folder

Click: VIEW -- LIST
Type the First 3 letters of your last name quickly.

Locate & open your folder.

Create a new folder for this school year:

Name the folder 2008 – 2009

Next, click FILE –
Select SEND TO-- DESKTOP (create shortcut)
This will put a shortcut on your login page so that when you are saving pictures you only have to put it in your 2008-2009 Folder on your desktop. Note: Each time you login, you may have to do this little step of creating the shortcut to the desktop.

This 2008-2009 folder is where you will save pictures, music and projects.

How to Actually Save:
1st way: Select the item, or file and
If you have the shortcut to your folder on your desktop, click SAVE AS. Pull down the menu to select DESKTOP, select Your 2008—2009 FOLDER.

2nd way: Select the item, or file and
Select MY COMPUTER (on left side of box)
Select NORWAY (H: ), Find your 2008-2009 folder (as above) and Save in Your 2008—2009 FOLDER.

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