Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thing #3

Creating the Avatar was fun, a little frustrating, but all in all- fun.

It took a little time to set up the G-mail and Yahoo accounts, but was worth it.
The frustrating part was that my computer (not the new school laptop, but my older personal comptuer) kept freezing and I would have to restart Explorer. Finally, it froze completely and I had to shut it down a while. I was able to finish this part of the project fairly quickly.

Have a great day!



Grendel said...

I am glad you were able to get your avatar up! Did you take your school laptop home with you this summer? Maybe it will perform better than your "home" computer. I am glad you are not giving up! :)

fsm said...

Keep your usernames/passwords for Google and Yahoo handy for the coming "Things." My fuzzy brain needed help remembering the various logins, so I have a list saved in a Word document on my computer for my brain burp moments!
Your adventure on the cyberspace playground is just beginning. Have fun!! :-)

MLA said...

Hope you are having a good summer. Looking forward to our meetings together.